Tag: Zombo District

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Woman Detained For Dumping Baby In Pit Latrine

By Mike Rwothomio West Nile: Police in Zombo District have in their custody a woman in her 20s who gave birth to a baby girl...

Scores Injured in Zombo Nasty Road Accident

By Mike Rwothomio Zombo: A fuso truck with registration number UBL 8990 from Paidha Town Council destined for Zeu Local Market in Zombo District...

West Nile: Coffee Farmers Decry Low Yields Due To Irregular Weather

By Mike Rwothomio and Ofoymungu Lee By this time annually, Clara Fuacan, a female coffee farmer from Sangi village, Serr Parish Abanga Sub-County Zombo District...

UPDATE: Zombo District Decides on Tension between Parents, ‘Imprudent’ School Headteacher

By Mike Rwothomio West Nile: The Zombo District Education Committee has tasked parents of Padea Primary School to nominate three names of qualified teachers for...

How Alur Kingdom Plans to End Land Disputes Amongst its Subjects

By Mike Rwothomio  West Nile: The 33rd King of Alur His Majesty Ubimu Philip Rauni Ularker III has made a commitment to addressing the issue...


Three Arrested in Connection to Fatal Family Shooting in Mayuge

Mayuge, Uganda – Police in Mayuge District have arrested...

M23 Rebels Seize Another Town in Eastern DRC

The M23 rebels have seized another town in the...

Two Arrested for Extorting Cash from PDM Beneficiaries

Masindi, UG- Authorities have arrested two individuals for allegedly...

Critical Indicators that You Have Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that affects millions...

