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NRM’s Godfatherism and the Paucity of Political Mentorship in Uganda

By Samuel Lukanga The return of democracy in Uganda starting with the present day NRM’s era has worsened the situation as nurturing of political leaders...

MPs Arrest: Museveni Summons NRM CEC Amid Corruption Scandal

Kampala, UG:- President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, who also serves as the National Chairman of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) party, on Tuesday urgently called...

Big Push! ONC’s Wakiso Empowerment Drive Boosted with Two Motorcycles from Markh Investments

Kampala, (UG):- As preparations ramp up for the upcoming Wakiso Empowerment Drive under the Office of the NRM National Chairman (ONC), renowned city businesswoman...

Honoring Uganda’s Fallen and Living Heroes who Sacrificed Everything for the Peace and Uganda We Have

By Hajjat Hadijah Namyalo In Uganda, Heroes Day is more than just a date on the calendar. It's a solemn promise to remember and honor...

TOP STORY! Presidency Issues Final Decision on Museveni’s 2026 Re-election Bid

The Office of the President of the Republic of Uganda has officially addressed concerns over General Yoweri Kaguta Museveni’s position regarding the 2026 presidential...


OP-ED: The Most Honest and Hardworking Leaders Are Always Fought, But They Eventually Win

By Brian Keitira Kampala, UG: In the realm of politics...

‘Speak to the people, not at the people’- Uhuru Tells Ruto

Former President Uhuru Kenyatta has stated the ongoing anti-Finance...

‘Not even a single coin’- NEMA Rules out compensating Wetland Evictees

The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has ruled out...

Death Toll at Hajj Pilgrimage Tops 1,300

More than 1,300 people died during this year's Hajj...

