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KCCA Utilizes Shs11 Bn for Kampala’s Pothole Crisis, Calls for More Funding

In response to a public outcry about the poor state of Kampala’s roads, the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) received over Shs 11 billion...

Kenyan president vows to restore order after deadly tax hike protests

Nairobi, Kenya|  After a day of protest, turmoil and bloodshed, Kenyan President William Ruto addressed the nation with a message of sadness and strength...

How Lt. Col. Mercy Tukahirwa Has Transformed UPDF’s Image on Ugandan Lakes

By Brian Keitira Kampala, UG: In 2017, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni took a bold step to address the issue of illegal fishing practices, which had...

ONC Boss Namyalo Breaks Silence on Iran Scholarship Saga, See What She Said

Hajjat Hadijah Namyalo Uzeiye, the Special Presidential Advisor on Political Affairs and Head of the NRM National Chairman’s Office (ONC) has dismissed allegations of...

OP-ED: The Most Honest and Hardworking Leaders Are Always Fought, But They Eventually Win

By Brian Keitira Kampala, UG: In the realm of politics and leadership, honesty and hard work are virtues that are often lauded but rarely fully...


Why wearing sunglasses in dark places hurts your vision

Wearing sunglasses is a common practice to protect our eyes from...

CSOs weigh in as land conflicts continue to claim lives, property

By Mike Rwothomio Zombo: On May 11, 2024, a violent...

Suspension of Namayingo’s Multi-Billion CN Sugar Factory Halts Progress, Leaves 700 Jobless

Namayingo District's hopes for economic transformation have been dashed...

