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Justice for Speaker Anita Annet Among: A Call for Accountability from the UK Government

Writen By Franco Rashid West Nile, UG: In a recent wave of allegations, the Honorable Speaker of the Ugandan Parliament, Anita Annet Among, has been...

VIDEO: How MP Akamba Was Grabbed by Gunmen After Securing Bail

A dramatic scuffle erupted on Friday as Member of Parliament Paul Akamba was rearrested at the premises of the Anti-Corruption Court shortly after being...

President Museveni Signs Four Bills Into Law

President Yoweri Museveni has signed four Bills into Law. These are: 1. The Free Zones (Amendment) Act,20242. The Uganda Wildlife (Amendment) Act,20243. The National Library (Amendment)...

OLEMWA! UHI On Spot for Returning UGX1.8 Bn Amid Rising Heart Disease Cases

Lawmakers on Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) have criticized Uganda Heart Institute management for returning Shillings 1.8 billion to the consolidated fund while facing...

‘Be Patriotic Please!’- Min. Kasaija Appeals to Ugandans for Tax Compliance to Fund UGX72 Trn Budget

Uganda’s financial year 2024/25 budget, amounting to UGX 72.1 trillion, poses a significant challenge for the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) to generate local revenue....


OP-ED: The Most Honest and Hardworking Leaders Are Always Fought, But They Eventually Win

By Brian Keitira Kampala, UG: In the realm of politics...

‘Speak to the people, not at the people’- Uhuru Tells Ruto

Former President Uhuru Kenyatta has stated the ongoing anti-Finance...

‘Not even a single coin’- NEMA Rules out compensating Wetland Evictees

The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has ruled out...

Death Toll at Hajj Pilgrimage Tops 1,300

More than 1,300 people died during this year's Hajj...

