
Parliamentary Legal Committee Tasks Govt to Allocate Funds for 2026 Elections

The Ugandan Parliament's Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee has called for a substantial increase in funding for the Electoral Commission (EC) to ensure timely...

Besigye Fires Back at Amuriat Over Symbol Dispute, Calls for Unity in Opposition

In a spirited rebuttal to claims made by Patrick Amuriat, the leader of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), Dr. Kizza Besigye has emphasized...

Court Martial Rejects Bail Pleas for Olivia Lutaaya, 27 Other NUP Affiliates – See Why

The General Court Martial has delivered a blow to Olivia Lutaaya and 27 other political detainees associated with the Opposition National Unity Platform (NUP)...

Parliament Conducts Vetting Process for New Ministers

The Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among, has presided over the vetting of new ministers at Parliament Buildings in Kampala this Monday morning. President Museveni last...

Gen. Museveni Accuses Foreign-sponsored Traitors of Targeting Speaker Among

President Museveni has come to the defense of Hon. Anita Annet Among, the Speaker of Parliament, amidst a storm of criticism on social media...
