
NUP ‘Rebel MPs’ Rule out Forming New Political Party

National Unity Platform (NUP) 'rebels' have ruled out forming a new party over disagreements with the party's top leadership.   The main opposition party is...

Kagame Accuses West of Double Standards on Democracy

Rwandan President Paul Kagame on Monday accused Western countries of adopting “double standards” on democracy, ahead of next month’s general elections in the country. Mr...

President Museveni Orders Overhaul of All NRM Parliamentary Committee Leadership

Kampala, Uganda – In a significant political shake-up, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has mandated the replacement of all parliamentary committee chairpersons affiliated with the...

South Africa Re-elects Cyril Ramaphosa as President

South Africa's parliament has re-elected Cyril Ramaphosa as president after a landmark coalition deal between the governing African National Congress (ANC) and opposition parties. Ramaphosa won...

OP-ED: The Declining Influence of Col. Besigye in Mbale: A Call for Political Renewal

By Steven Masiga, Researcher from Mbale Mbale, a vibrant city with a rich political history, finds itself at the centre of a debate over who...
