
Tushar Mashru Walks Away with Stanbic’s Monthly Mug of May

Tushar Mashru carded 66 nett countback and was crowned the overall winner of the May Stanbic Uganda Monthly Mug, leaving over 100 rivalsawed. Held at...

Health Crisis at Namugongo: Over 160 Pilgrims Treated for Food Poisoning, Other Ailments

Pilgrims at the Catholic Shrine in Namugongo faced a series of health issues, including stomach disorders and food poisoning, as reported by Dr. Joseph...

Iteso Cultural Leader Advocates Cattle Keeping as Path to Prosperity

By Richard Onapatum Serere, Eastern Uganda: In a compelling call to action, the Iteso Cultural Union Head, Papa Emorimor Paul Sande Etomeileng, has urged the...

Makerere University Mourns Loss of Two Community Education Lecturers

By Steven Masiga Mbale: Makerere University is grieving the loss of two esteemed lecturers from its Department of Community Education. These dedicated educators, who also...

Stanbic Bank, Vumbula Uganda Plant 1000 Trees along River Nile

Stanbic Bank has joined hands with Vumbula Uganda to enhance environmental sustainability and contribute to the conservation of River Nile’s natural ecosystem through a...
