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Why Ugandan Ministers Hide Cash, Houses in Europe, U.S.

By Chimp Reports Kampala, UG: President Museveni has been informed that many of his ministers are hiding valuable assets including large amounts of money in...

Namibia Commended in HIV and Hepatitis B Battle

By Bonface Orucho Namibia, which has one of the highest budgeted health spends per person on the continent, has earned recognition from the WHO for...

Police Seize Suspected Getaway Car in Bukwo Foiled Robbery

By Steven Masiga Police in Bukwo have taken custody of a car, registration number UBP 615C, believed to be involved in a criminal offence. The...

‘Yes, I killed them’- ADF Boss Confesses To Killing Two Tourists, Driver

A man suspected to be a commander of the rebel group Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) has confessed to commanding the killing of two tourists...

Legislators Push for Expedited Re-tabling of Minimum Wage Bill

Members of Parliament (MPs) are urging for the swift re-tabling of the Minimum Wage Bill, 2015, emphasizing the importance of establishing a comprehensive minimum...


Why wearing sunglasses in dark places hurts your vision

Wearing sunglasses is a common practice to protect our eyes from...

CSOs weigh in as land conflicts continue to claim lives, property

By Mike Rwothomio Zombo: On May 11, 2024, a violent...

Suspension of Namayingo’s Multi-Billion CN Sugar Factory Halts Progress, Leaves 700 Jobless

Namayingo District's hopes for economic transformation have been dashed...