UN Deploys in Eastern DRC Amid New Wave of Armed Violence


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Bunia, DRC — The United Nations (UN) peacekeepers have begun deploying additional troops in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in response to a surge of violence from various armed groups.

The decision comes after recent clashes between the Zaire and CODECO armed groups at a mining site approximately 40 kilometres from Bunia in Ituri Province.

Farhan Haq, deputy spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, confirmed the deployment on Wednesday, highlighting the urgent need to address the escalating conflict. According to the latest report by UN experts, the war has intensified due in part to the actions of the Voluntary Combatants for the Defence of the Homeland (Wazalendo). While the Wazalendo claims to defend their homeland and fight against the M23 rebels in North Kivu, their activities have also contributed to civilian insecurity.

The government has taken steps to curb the influence of the Wazalendo, including banning them from carrying weapons in Goma, the provincial capital.
“We have taken several decisions; in particular, we no longer want to see any Voluntary Combatants for the Defence of the Homeland (Wazalendo) in town with a weapon,” stated Maj-Gen Peter Cirimwami Nkuba, the military governor of North Kivu.

Despite the government’s stance against foreign interference, there is growing concern over the atrocities committed by these self-proclaimed defenders. The presence of armed groups like the Wazalendo complicates the security landscape, making it challenging for peacekeepers and government forces to maintain stability.

The UN’s decision to increase troop deployments aims to protect civilians and restore order in the affected regions. The peacekeepers are expected to provide much-needed support to local authorities and help mitigate the impact of armed violence on communities.

As the situation remains tense, the international community continues to monitor developments closely. The deployment of additional UN troops underscores the commitment to peace and security in the DRC, while also highlighting the complex dynamics at play in the region’s ongoing conflict.

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