Meet the Most Expensive Road in East Africa


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According to the African Development Bank’s Annual Development Effectiveness Review 2013, Africa is considered to be the fastest-growing continent in the world. Infrastructure plays a significant role in the development of any nation and its overall economic growth.

Governments of African countries with quality roads have much invested in them to contribute to sustainable development.

However we would all assume that the world’s most expensive road would be located in technological advanced countries like Japan, Singapore, China, or even the United States of America, but sorry to shock and burst your bubble, the most expensive road in the world is East Africa! Specifically East Africa nation, Uganda.

The Entebbe–Kampala Expressway, also known as the “Kampala–Entebbe Expressway” or the “Entebbe–Kampala Highway”, is a four-lane toll highway in the Central Region of Uganda.

construction of the highway is costing a whopping U.S.$476 million, with a shocking cost of U.S.$9.2 million per kilometer over and above the average $2 million per kilometer road, local media reports in Uganda.

This average cost per kilometer which is US$2 million per kilometer corresponds with the cost per kilometer of a four-lane highway noted in the World Bank report making it TRUE.

It’s worth noting that the Kampala-Entebbe Expressway has 19 fly-overs and bridges with a total length of 2,770 metres. It also hosts Nambigirwa Bridge, the longest four-lane bridge in Uganda and East Africa with over 1,400 metres

The Uganda government signed an agreement with the Chinese counterparts where the latter, through the Exim Bank of China, which lend up to US$350 million for the construction of the highway, repayable over forty years.

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