Kamwenge District Chairman Urges Youth to Embrace Government Programs for Economic Empowerment


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By Bayola Moses

Kamwenge District youths have been advised to utilize government programs like the Parish Development Model, Emyooga, and Youth Livelihood Fund to empower themselves economically and reduce unemployment in Uganda.

This message was delivered by the district chairman of Kamwenge, Mr. Karungi Joseph, while addressing the NRM pressure group Generation Seven (G7) coordinators at Kamwenge Youth Centre.

Mr. Karungi called upon youths across the country to use the opportunities set up by the government to change their lives instead of politicking and wasting time on matters that do not benefit them.

He also encouraged them to take advantage of the presidential skilling initiative, where youths can learn hands-on skills and vocational skills, enabling them to start their businesses, create more jobs, and increase the tax base and development of the region.

The National Coordinator of Generation Seven, Mr. Stephen Mukasa, appreciated the hospitality shown to him by his members and advised them to keep the momentum going until 2026 since their patron, H.E. Gen. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, has confirmed his comeback and they are ready to offer him full support in the upcoming elections in 2026.

Mukasa applauded the Kamwenge District chairman, Mr. Karungi Joseph, and other leaders like Brig. Gen. Charles Kisembo as a son of the land for strengthening security in the area, promoting unity, accountability, and development as stipulated in the NRM manifesto and Generation Seven objectives.

He also cautioned youths in Kamwenge to be careful while choosing groups to work with, as some might recruit them under the pretense of offering help, yet mobilizing them to join terrorist groups in Congo unknowingly.

He noted the area borders Congo forests where the UPDF is hunting these groups and encouraged the youth to maintain the spirit of patriotism for Uganda and continue supporting the ruling government to preserve the legacy of their patron, H.E. Gen. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.

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