Rwanda Denies UNHCR’s Harassment Claims, Accuses Agency of Fabricating Allegations


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In a rebuttal to recent allegations made by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Rwanda has vehemently denied accusations of endangering the lives of asylum seekers.

Accusing the UN agency of fabricating claims to undermine its welcoming policy, Rwanda stands firm in its commitment to upholding its obligations as a signatory to the Refugee Convention.

The dispute arose after the UN Refugee Agency warned British judges about potential new evidence suggesting that Rwanda may be endangering asylum seekers. Despite the British Parliament passing a law declaring Rwanda a safe country, the UNHCR expressed concerns over allegations of abuses and the risk of individuals being sent to countries where they could face torture.

In response, the Rwandan government issued a statement late Tuesday, categorically denying the UNHCR’s allegations.

Describing the organization’s claims as “fabricated,” Rwanda asserted that the UNHCR was misleading UK courts about its treatment of asylum seekers, despite their ongoing partnership in providing safe transit for African migrants.

“The organization seems intent on presenting fabricated allegations to UK courts about the country’s treatment of asylum seekers, while still partnering with us to bring African migrants from Libya to safety in Rwanda through the emergency transit mechanism,” read the statement.

One particular case cited by the UNHCR involved a man who was denied asylum in the Seychelles and subsequently granted asylum in Rwanda without government consultation. Rwanda emphasized its stance against refoulement, reiterating its commitment to safeguarding the safety and rights of asylum seekers.

The statement emphasized Rwanda’s continued collaboration with international partners and its dedication to providing safety and opportunities for those fleeing conflict. Despite the ongoing dispute, Rwanda remains steadfast in its commitment to its obligations under the Refugee Convention.

“As we have said time and again Rwanda does not refoule asylum seekers. The UNHCR seems intent on undermining the safety of Rwanda within UK courts,” the statement added.

The controversy comes in the wake of a deal reached between Britain and Rwanda in April 2022, allowing the UK to send certain migrants who arrive via the English Channel to Rwanda for processing of their asylum claims.

Despite the passing of the Safety of Rwanda Bill by UK lawmakers, which enabled the implementation of the agreement, the recent allegations have reignited tensions between Rwanda and the UNHCR.

As the dispute unfolds, the fate of asylum seekers and the integrity of international partnerships hang in the balance, highlighting the complexities of global refugee policies and the challenges faced by both host countries and humanitarian agencies in addressing the needs of displaced populations.

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