FARUK KIRUNDA: Better Resign or Continue Dining With The “Devil”!


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The opposition has kept up its claim of its supporters who allegedly went missing after being kidnapped by state security. This is in spite of investigations by the Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC) and its report which revealed that out of the alleged thousands missing, only a few have been found connected in any way to being of interest to the state.

In its latest report released in response to a petition from NUP containing a list of names of 30 allegedly missing persons, UHRC discovered that of those reported missing, 12 had been found in their homes, alive and well, while for the other 18, NUP couldn’t provide their particulars (such as National Identity card numbers) for appropriate follow-up. All that was done was feed the Commission with scanty information to send it on a wild goose chase or to build grounds to impute a lack of interest in human rights issues, the Constitutional mandate of the Commission.  I have said before that such games are totally absurd because issues of human rights are too serious to be left to comics. It should be either the 30 exist or they don’t, not existing in lists cooked at Kamwokya or on Nasser Road.

I have previously written about the fake victims paraded or recorded in many forums. Many people fear to question the antics of the opposition because of the untouchable status that these people have assumed for themselves.

Anybody raising a finger at them is abused, threatened, harassed, attacked physically, and sometimes embarrassed in order to discredit and intimidate them. Well, not me! Facts are facts and if we are to build a progressive, democratic country that opposition claims to herald, then they should play the part. Otherwise, these lies are exposing them to a lifetime of shame and with no political capital to reap because Ugandans have eyes and they can see.

Some of the allegedly missing are actually free and at large in other countries. The mystery of who is missing and who is not will be settled fully if countries such as Canada, the USA, the UK and Turkey do a comprehensive audit of people who have acquired asylum there. This truth is known but “the concerned” do not want to talk about it because it will burst their bubble.

LOP Mathias Mpuuga recently alleged that when UHRC investigators met the relatives of the people who are alleged to be missing, the investigators were convincing them to accept compensation from the Government to atone for their missing persons. Was this atonement to cover for nonexistent “missing persons” or, should I say, people who never existed in the first place, before being kidnapped at all? Wouldn’t such information make world news if it was presented with evidence in public? Why does it have to be “whispered” by Mr. Mpuuga when he could throw a bombshell that would leave the Government completely naked?

Even then, if at all that was true (that UHRC tried to bribe relatives of victims to silence them), was the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights also bribed to come up with similar findings as UHRC? In effect, it means that the opposition bench doesn’t believe in the institution of Parliament where they belong but only associates with it at “serving time.” Indeed, they declared a boycott of plenary sittings but what

difference does it make when they boycott plenary but still sit in committees, where they still earn allowances? It remains the same House presided over by the same leadership.  It’s why I think it would be a noble gesture for them to resign from Parliament led by the NRM Government, as the highest form of protest, complete with sacrificing for their cause. How can they accuse the “devil” while dining and dancing with it? As a precedent to emulate, when the youthful freedom fighter, Yoweri Museveni, foresaw the tragedy of the Amin regime, he abandoned his Government job and fled to exile in protest and to prepare to play an honest role in Uganda’s liberation.

To summarise this, you cannot have your cake and eat it! You are either in or you are not. You are either salt or you have no saltiness. All it takes is honesty and transparency! The habit of only going for the buttered side of things while pointing a finger will not be tolerated.

Arguably, the claim of “thousands kidnapped, tortured, killed” is a political tool aimed at winning sympathy and hoodwinking the public whose expectations have risen exponentially ever since the NUP wave misled many to vote for leaders they had not tested and now the beneficiaries are struggling to put up appearances that they are working and that they are “kulabisaring” (exposing) the Government. Why don’t they kulabisa the fat benefits they are taking home while shedding crocodile tears in public? At the same time, is NUP the only opposition party and DP, UPC, and FDC have no supporters to look out for?

Anyway, to end speculation and anxiety in the public regarding any cases of missing citizens, I request the Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Anita Among, to direct the release and mass dissemination of the report of the Committee on Human Rights so that we settle this matter once and for all, then we wait for the new tricks that political fraudsters will employ next.

The author is the Deputy Presidential Press Secretary
Email: faruk.kirunda@statehouse.go.ug 

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