In a significant development, the Elders in the Karamoja sub-region have recently made history by appointing a cultural head. Prior to this appointment, the Elder’s Council held the highest authority in overseeing the cultural affairs of the region.
The Karamoja Cultural Leader, to be named Papaa Angasuban, was selected by representatives of the Elders Council from districts across the region. Peter Adei, an 81-year-old from Abim district, was named the Interim cultural leader. The cow was chosen as the symbol of the cultural institution to represent unity.
Adei, the Interim Karamoja Cultural Leader committed to uniting the different clusters of Karamoja and advocating for strategies that will develop the region and its people. He said that Karamoja has lagged because of disunity among the Karimojong communities across the nine districts.
Papaa Adei cited that problems like insecurity have persisted because the government had sidelined the Elders in the disarmament exercise although they are the brains behind decision-making in the region. He said that they are also focusing on streamlining the culture of Karamoja because several cultural associations have been opened without a clear vision but instead for self-interest advocacy.
Mark Ilukol, the Elder’s Council Advisor said that Karimojong communities across the nine districts have been grouped into clusters and shall have representatives in the central council which will be regulated under the laws of Uganda.
Each district shall also form an Elder’s cultural council constituted by the elders in the traditional shrines locally known as’’ Akiriket.’’ The sections of the council from each district will be reporting to the Karamoja Central Council.
Matayo Lochoro Lochan, the chairperson of Kotido Elder’s Council said that they want the council to have a representative for women and youth, noting that there is no way they will spearhead development in the institution without the representation of all community members.
He noted that they are going to use the council to cleanse the elder’s image because several times they have been blamed for blessing raiders. Lochoro added that they have now come out as elders to promote unity and fight criminality to ensure there is peace in the region.
Maj Gen Don Nabasa, the UPDF 3rd division commander welcomed the elder’s initiative saying that this would be an entry point to reclaim peace in the region. Nabasa acknowledged that they have been struggling to contain the security situation in the region because the perpetrators were motivated by their elders who bless them for raid missions.
He noted that the cultural institution will also help to bridge the gap between the security forces and the cultural leaders and pledged to organize a trip for the elders to learn from the military and have a development-driven mindset.