The fraternity of Leo’s College, Kyegobe which includes Students, Old Boys, the teaching community and parents on Saturday, October 8th, 2023 celebrated 102 years of the school’s existence and continued great performance in the field of academics.
The function, which was attended by hundreds of people and presided over by Rt. Rev. Muhiirwa Akiiki, the Bishop of Fort Portal Diocese as Chief Guest, was held at the school’s facility in Kyegobe, Kabarole District.
Speaking at the reunion, Mr. Trophy Atuhaire, the head teacher, highlighted the achievements that the school has achieved over the years, as a result of the continued efforts of the administration, parents and the Old Boys Association.

Mr. Atuhaire said that the school has registered an increase in the student’s enrollment, whereby the population is currently at 560 students, as compared to 244 in 2022.
“The increase has been due to continuous improvement in academics, discipline of students, staff and management,” Atuhaire said, adding that;
“The success in recent years is as a result of teamwork of the staff.”
Speaking about the school’s performance in the past year, the head teacher revealed that; “Our O-level division 1 percentage pass in 2022 was 75% while our two Principal Pass in A-level was 80%. We can never take this for granted. The efforts of staff towards this achievement should never be underestimated.”

He thanked the college management structure (BOG and PTA) the Chairman, Board of Governors, Dr. Edmon Kagambe, the entire administration and the Old Boys Association for their supportive roles and concerted efforts at ensuring the success of the school.
“Our parents have been cooperative and have encouraged other parents to join the school. We are grateful, “Atuhaire said.
“In the same vein, join me to thank our boys, the students for listening to us. They are number one in promoting the good discipline and academics of the college,” he added.
In his remarks, Mr. Amos Karamagi, the Chairman Parents and Teachers Association (PTA), noted that among the most important milestones the school has realized is creating a convenient environment for parents to pay school fees for the students, without any encumbrances.
“Using our treasurer, we have managed to monitor a collection of the little fees without hurting the parents.
We allow parents to pay in two affordable instalments,” Karamagi said.
Highlighting the transparency and accountability for funds being exercised by the school administration, Karamagi noted that; “We have ensured that the school management puts to proper use the revenue got from parents. This is evidenced by the audit reports by the auditor general every year.”
He revealed that part of the monies collected has been used to: Construct a modern pit latrine, establish a rabbit project, now with 30 rabbits, plus rehabilitate the banana plantation and cattle farm.
Karamagi added that the funds have also been channelled to the maintenance of the college structure, especially classrooms, laboratories, and bathrooms, renovation of the school bus, plus mobilising for more numbers, so as to hit the enrollment target of 1200 learners.
In his closing remarks, Karamagi thanked Bishop Muhiirwa for his efforts to ensure that the school overcomes the financial struggles it is facing.
“My Lord Bishop, allow me to express my sincere gratitude to you for saving this college from the creditors who had taken the headteacher to court. You assisted him in securing a loan. This showed that you are caring for the school. May God reward you abundantly,” Karamagi observed.
He concluded by thanking the Old Boys for contributing generously to the college, urging them to inject more into the college that gave birth to their future.
He also thanked the head teacher and staff for proving to the world that St. Leo’s College can make it in the field of academics, noting that;
“As PTA, we pledge our full cooperation with the Board of Governors, Staff, Government of Uganda and old boys in further effort to make this college the best in Uganda or even East Africa, Africa and the world.”