The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has been instrumental in shaping the future of Ugandan civil servants through its Capacity Building Scholarship Program for Human Resource Advancement. This program provides scholarships to Ugandan civil servants, allowing them to pursue advanced studies and training in South Korea. One beneficiary of this program is Nora Nabachwa, who pursued a master’s degree in Agricultural Production in South Korea.
Nora’s journey took her to Kyungbook National University in Korea, where she specialized in plant breeding and genetics. Her passion for improving agricultural practices in Uganda led her to focus on this area. Upon her return to Uganda, Nora applied her expertise to her work at the National Seed Certification (NSC), contributing to sustainable inspection and certification of seeds and planting materials.
Nora’s work has also extended to KOICA’s projects, where she is involved in breeding certified seeds for key indigenous vegetables. This work aims to revolutionize farming practices, increase crop yields, and improve the livelihoods of Ugandan farmers.
The KOICA Fellowship Program for Capacity Improvement and Advancement for Tomorrow (CIAT) offers scholarships to up to 100 Ugandan civil servants annually. It provides comprehensive training and exposure to development models from South Korea, empowering participants with knowledge and skills that can be applied to their roles.
The program goes beyond individual capacity building, fostering networking and collaboration among participants. It aims to have a lasting impact on Uganda’s civil service by empowering civil servants to contribute effectively to nation-building, enhance institutional development, and improve service delivery and governance.
Through its partnership with KOICA, Uganda’s civil service is on a path towards sustainable development, ensuring a brighter future for the nation. The program equips civil servants with the necessary skills and knowledge to drive positive change and advancement in Uganda.