Prof Makombo Jago Minyang
Silent message from the Pentagon to Uganda Post Office 1986…
“Dear Museveni and the new victors of Kampala, what can we send on your Heads? Dollars or Bombs!?” Please Choose ONE only. We love you Uganda. Bye, mwahh.”
Yours, faithfully,
Real Nuclear General, Moses Bruce.
You will need the above satire to enjoy this qualitative assessment of your society deeply infested with everything you think you know.
During the time when Museveni came to Power around 1984 (Yes, Kampala Fell Long before NRA even arrived), mentioning the word SOCIAL was Suicidal, even to the NEW Leaders. It was a Banned word (Taboo).
It’s also one of the Reasons Obote LOST Power to his Soldiers. He was Too Broke to say anything meaningful to them. Apparently, OBOTE 2 had “REFUSED to Obey the Pentagon.” SHORTLY before Gen Bazilio and Okello chased him away for NRA to be Fighting against NOTHING from then to 1985.
The only acceptable words on earth then were DEMOCRACY and CAPITAL. Even today.
And JESUS,,,, but in a ‘shouting way”,,, “American Evangelize the bastards too”, said Afande Bruce.
For the IMF and World Bank to Accept to Lend a BROKE NRA/M of 1989 any money (which NRM/A have utilized very well by the way compared to other nations ever ‘helped’ by them. Only Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Rwanda are better IMFians than Ugandans)
IMF needed to Send her Capital INVESTORS to Uganda (which OBOTE 1.5 and 2, Amin, Lule etc. had failed to award or spoilt) and there is NO WAY they would compete with a SOCIALLY structured functioning coordinated system.
It’s true that Uganda Agricultural Cooperatives and Govt agencies and business profit-making bodies before IMF came were functioning Better than CHINA today.
That had been the system from as early as 1889 in this land.
Americans and British Preach Capital intensive Democracy but they don’t tell you that in Uganda, they successfully Implemented with Locals only COMMUNIST and Social Development models. They don’t tell you that over 90% of Modern Uganda was Created under Communist Dictatorships from 1900 to 1960.
They also do NOT tell you that KENYA developed to become Modern ONLY under a PERFECT Absolute CAPITALIST (for whites) and Communist (for blacks) DICTATORSHIP of Daniel Arap Moi. That’s why I Laugh at a Kenyan who Says “Museveni should go”. It’s real hypocrisy. I stayed in Kenya at Moi’s time but Whoever has can tell you that Today’s MUSEVENI of Uganda is a POPE if compared to a MOI we all KNOW…
Moi was Brutal, Deadly, CORRUPT, a KILLER, a Murderer of Opposers in BROADDAY light and you would Do NOTHING to Him because he was an AMERICAN/British in EVERYTHING. He was NOT Kenyan or African., like Many Blacks of Today. But Kenya Still Progressed.
But you see,,, THAT is the Problem.
FOREIGN CAPITAL VS SELF HELP (Bulunji bwansi))???!
That’s the Reason NRA was forced to ‘IGNORE” all Saccos, VSLOs, Cooperatives, UTL, UTC etc. To weaken them such that they would be easy to out-compete by ANY FOREIGN Capitalists seeking to Invest (exploit) in Uganda.
Let me give you an example, Do you think MTN-UG would become the BEST telecom Company in Uganda IF UTL had been Heavily invested in by the PEOPLE of Uganda? The answer is a NO. It would be like MTN going to defeat Huawei in Chinese markets.
The same applies to Every PRIVATE business or Corporation in Uganda… Capitalism cannot Defeat Socialism IF force and Coercion Corruption of the Prefect is not part of the Game.
What is SOCIAL..?
Social is NOT a Bad word. It simply means One Human working with and Depending on another to Grow TOGETHER, equitably.
CAPITALISM on the other hand, the Ugandan who can Go abroad and Bring the Biggest Stranger with Money and Partner (usually Bribes) with him, will be the Richest Land Owner in Uganda while the Other Citizens remain Poor because they must Serve the Lord as SLAVE with CHEAP later.
Capitalism encourages Producing SO MANY useless children in The “Territory of Extraction” because SLAVE labour is needed. That’s why When America Hears that Uganda has over 30 million Young, energetic children below 18 years who are Uneducated and Poor, they JUBILATE and Wish it stays that way.
But Socialism does Not tolerate Extremities by Individuals. In Socialism, there is No Gamba Nogu, no absolute Leader, and democracy but it’s from Bottom to Top, NOT like the Current Uganda (or the USA) where IF ‘someone above” does NOT want you to ever Buy a Bicycle, you will never. The problem with Making all Africans (or Resource points) Rich like America is that America will STARVE. This is because the New Rich Ugandans will become Consumers of the same Resources IF they Get the Wealth too.
Gen Museveni one time asked, “But what Do these People LOSE, IF everyone in the World got 3 Meals a day!?”, Well your Excellency, the answer is above. They Lose EVERYTHING.
Can Socialism Equitably (cooperating with humans in business and growth) ever RETURN to Uganda and Africa?
The answer is… It NEVER Died.
Capitalism is just popularized even in Uganda, and NOT such systems benefit Socialism. Like Bugisu Cooperative, the Trillion worth INVESTMENT CLUBS are owned by Blacks in Kenya and in Uganda.
Rwenzori Courts were built by Socialists., And so was the MAPEERA house.
Catholic Businesses and foundations have Survived and are STILL the BEST in Uganda because they REFUSED Capitalism. A Ugandan business Catholic Priest Does not think like Elon Musk but a Chinese or Russian.
The NSSF Uganda is an example of Socialism. In fact, there is NO other African Business Entity in the WHOLE of East and Central Africa more Richer and Powerful than NSSF-Uganda. But what NRM must not forget is that the Idea was NOT by Capitalists and that’s Why it’s the ONLY Government Business that Works. Postbank is another.
Around 2013-2016, the Post Bank manager Director approved the Payment of thousands of UGANDANS at a LOSS using PBU mobile Payment Vehicles in rural areas.
He did this because Having More UGANDANS joining the Banking system was better for that Organization than Making PROFIT.
The Ideas of Emyooga, PDM, Boona Basome, Baggagawale etc. are SOCIAL in nature. As the government expects Parents to Contribute Lunch etc. then you ask “Why did Gen. Museveni abolish PTA”? He did not. PTA just died because the Capitalists Purged it for the sake of Raising Fees Every term and even now a Nursery School in Uganda costs 1,000,000 up from UGx 100 ever since Museveni came to Power.
You see, the Current Global Capitalist hegemony Relies on an INFLATABLE Item to Do business (Dollar). It means that the only way for the Dollar to Make sense in Uganda is for every good and Service to be INFLATING every DAY. In fact, by the time all of us Leave the Earth, the UGX shall be about UGX 10,000 per Dollar.. if you use the Figures from 1989 to date.
The anti-social, anti-human Progress, but Profit Capitalist Corporations of this Planet, the RD Shell, TOTAL, etc Never ever want an all Prosperous Earth. But they can choose a Few BLACKS to Make like Dangote, to dominate the Impoverished Earth for Eternity.
And that is what NRA signed Up for in 1989, as we DROPPED our Socialist 10-Point Program for VAGUE Pillars that are simply meant to Confuse Social African …ngu DEMOCRACY, socio-economic Transformation, Pan Africanism and Patriotism.
But how can Such a Poor disconnectioned and Disorganized Uncoordinated and Impoverished Lot of Humans in the Land of a FEW Rich Stinking Rich Black Puppet Slaves partnering with a Muzungu armed Robber,, Ever Be Patriotic ??
By now, I am sure that the Reader has understood the Reasons why government interventions such as PDM will NEVER succeed in Uganda. It’s because they are socialist ideas being introduced in a Land that was already PRIVATIZED and all Land and Property as well as National Assets Mortgaged to CAPITALISTS. And it’s these SAME Capitalists who are meant to Implement PDM. I am one of them.
I must choose between Growing my PRIVATE Honey Empire such that I am the Wealthiest Honey Man in Uganda, OR, I can Either Empower 10,000 Impoverished Karamojong Whom I would have Utilized for Cheap Labour and Goods.
But remember, I am the Minister/procurement officer, planner, etc. supposed to Budget for the 10,000 poor Karamojong. That’s HOW it is…
Which of the Two do you think a Ugandan businessman who is also a Minister, or MP, would do? Help the 10,000 poor or his Billionaire Private Empire using that OFFICE?
Does a thinker soberly think a sober Ugandan Minister/public official of Trade in Uganda who Owns the Best Hotel in your Village Will EVER allow 10,000 new Hotels Owned By Poor Citizens to Develop in her District?? Be Honest with yourselves… It will NEVER Happen.
Uganda is STUCK because BOTH systems are Trying to Compete….and Only the already Rich and Powerful Ugandan is Winning, NOT the perpetual Everlasting one…
Prof Makombo Jago Minyang, founder, of NRM Invicta Socialistic